Dear Neighbors,
Here's my July-August neighborhood update to keep you informed about what's happening in and around the 8th District. Please as always give me a call or email if you have any questions or concerns you wish to discuss.
Nathan Field
8th District City Councilman
Cell: 302-530-6626 Facebook/Instagram: Fielddistrict8
PS - If you want to be added to the email or mailing list to receive future neighborhood updates, please send a text, call or email.
Restored Path connecting Mill Road to Brandywine Park Nearly Complete
This 1880s trail, abandoned for the last several decades, is now upgraded, restored and open to the public for 21st century use (with 8 concrete steps that are soon to be added to the base of the staircase at 3 Mill Road).
Aerial photo of trail in 1920s:
The project included:
Fixing of drainage issue from Spring:
Culvert unclogged & cracked panels replaced and made much safer:
Cleanup of staircase area and connection to 3 Mill Road:
This was a true team effort. I want to thank the following for their contributions:
Wilmington Public Works Department for their commitment to the project and thoughtful design work and oversight of the construction
State Senator Sarah McBride in particular, plus State Representative Krista Griffith and City Council members James Spadola and Latisha Bracy for helping me raise just under half of the project cost
The City's Economic Development office for funding a key initial study to get this going.
Several neighborhood residents and the Delaware Greenways Organization were helpful in generating momentum
The owners of the office building at 3 Mill Road for being willing to dedicate the staircase on their building to the trail
And finally, most importantly, Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki for his support for getting it done and adding a tangible new perk for living in this corner of the city
More Good news along the Brandywine - Bancroft Bridge on track for April 2025 Reopening:
Here is the update I received from the Senior State of Delaware official managing the project:
Trolley Square Utility Box Project Draws National Attention
We are making progress in building up Wilmington as the creative and artistic capital of Delaware, if not the entire Tri-State region (thanks John for sending this article):
Thanks also to Lindsey Warren for this great article on her favorite box, “Rockford Tower” located next to Brew Haha.
Please keep the ideas coming...There are endless possibilities for public art projects that could be carried out in the near future!
Combatting Dangerous Driving Throughout the 8th District
I have recently received complaints about traffic safety issues at 16th and Union, Delaware at Scott, Scott at Wawaset, Lovering at Van Buren and Harrison, Woodlawn at PA Avenue, and Adams at Park Drive and there are others as well. Dangerous driving (speeding, running or rolling through stop signs) is a major quality of life issue. It is totally unacceptable. I am constantly in contact with the Traffic Police and Public Works to strategize about making each spot safer. The challenge is that there are only a handful of officers dedicated to the Traffic Police unit and they have to cover the whole city. That makes consistent enforcement of traffic laws difficult. Philadelphia, which has been expanding its use of automated traffic enforcement to crack down on dangerous driving along major roads, may offer some lessons for Wilmington. I am paying close to see what we can learn from their strategy and apply here.
Miscellaneous Updates
The Post - the new restaurant located at 1715 Delaware Avenue is scheduled to open in the next couple of weeks.
Don't miss the Delaware Art Museum's Thursday Happy Hours every Thursday until September. The Art Museum also has a fantastic blockbuster exhibit coming this fall on "The Jazz Age."
Legislation to update City code as relates to Short Term rentals has been pushed to the fall.
The 2nd Rockford Tower Winter Lights Kickoff event will return this fall on Saturday November 2nd. If you would like to volunteer to help with the event, please let me know.
PS - If you want to be added to the email or mailing list to receive future neighborhood updates, please send a text, call or email.